Woody Allen once wrote that people seem to like going to opera because no other place offers such good conditions for coughing (or something along these lines). The pandemic has obstructed this sort of pleasant experience for a while – operas were locked down and people had to cough in their homes. Recently, though, the world has started to open up and long forgotten pleasures have started to emerge again. One of them is going to corporate events. Who doesn’t like hours-long presentations peppered with the eternal buzzwords like “disruption”, “holistic” and the occasional “synergy” (the last one on its way out after years of overuse).
Certainly not us! We were thrilled that the largest and most important conference for health innovation HLTH will be held live this year (technically as a hybrid event of both in-person and virtual attendance), so we packed our bags and as you are reading this text we would be hobnobbing with the world leaders in the health industry in Boston.
This year’s theme of the HLTH event is “Dear Future, we’re coming for you!” and that’s exactly what we at Healee would be doing in the following days and months, focusing on the important topics from our areas of expertise, after taking lots of inspiration and knowledge from the conference.
We would be closely following the agenda topics and talks about:
- Care Models 2.021: growing tech-enabled services, moving more care into the home, expanding wellness initiatives to increase access, reduce friction and improve the overall patient experience
- Health’s Consumer Playbook: creating a new playbook of consumer-centric care;
- Health for the Greater Good: closing the care gaps made worse by the pandemic and remove the social and economic barriers to accessing the best care;
- Health’s Tech-tonic Shift: ensuring that the tech we are integrating into our lives is actually making a positive difference
- Virtual Care Boom or Bust – integrating telehealth more deeply into RPM, growing AI capabilities.
1. How has patient centricity evolved during the pandemic + Investment trends in patient experience and engagement.
Our selection starts with one of the most trending topics recently – patient-centricity. The latter, incidentally, is one of Healee’s core values. The first panel will bring together all the parties involved – patients, payers, providers – to discuss what the future of patient-centricity is, or in broader terms – what do patients want? Once we find this out, we will listen to what investors want. This one is a bit easier. Nevertheless, venture capital and patient engagement is a novel mix and this makes this discussion intriguing.
2. Moving Forward Together: Beyond the Pandemic
This panel is brought to us by the American Telehealth Association. As ATA members and telehealth technology providers, we would certainly be interested in all discussions in their program but time is tight and we need to choose carefully. Two events have captured our attention. The first one is Healthcare’s future: Evolving to a Hybrid Model of Care. It will include use cases form organizations and solution providers helping move toward a hybrid model of care delivery. We help our clients move in the exact same direction, so it is important to listen to experience. The second one is Fireside Chat: A.I.’s Role in Bias and Equity. Since Healee uses A.I. extensively, just having this abbreviation in the title is enough to drag us there.
3. Women Program
A potential white label customer of Healee with whom we are sincerely hoping to collaborate – GenderGP, offers worldwide transgender health and wellbeing services, so we will definitely visit Care for LGBTQ+-identifed people. We want to know more about the problems they are solving, the care they are providing and “gain an understanding of how healthcare can be reformed to avoid inflicting emotional harm through denial of identity”, so we are able to provide the best telehealth solution for them.
4. Transforming Health in the Post Pandemic World
The American Hospital Association, aka. AHA, is also present at the event. From its agenda we have picked three topics. The first one is Expanding Care Sites, Improving Access to Care. It is a story slam session about how two leading health systems have expanded access to care while improving the care experience for patients in their communities. The second one is the extremely important Overcoming Workforce Challenges to Ensure access to Care. The pandemic caused massive burnout among healthcare professionals and technical solutions can make their lives easier. The third one is called Digital Front Door to Expanding Access. Why would we want to hear this? Well, Healee is a digital front door to expanding access.
HLTH: No need for vowels when Google CHO it talking
At the end of an exciting (and quite busy) first day, we are going to hear what the new Chief Health Officer in Google has to say. It is likely to go beyond top trending google searches.
Day 2
The next day starts with… yoga. It is best practiced in seclusion but placing your mat alongside those of the leading executives in telehealth is not bad as well. We continue with:
5. Health Tech’s Got Talent: Who is the Next Star and HLTH Startup Pitch Competition
We would be thrilled to see how industry game changers swallow the swords of obsolete healthcare and juggle terabytes of data (figuratively speaking) and then move to the Startup Pitch Competition for the exciting presentations of the most innovative companies in healthcare.
Later, Mayo Clinic (the perennial first result on Google when you look up stuff like “skin rash” or “three whiskeys and fever still not going down”) presents Accelerating Technological Advances to Transform Health Care.
6. Old Operational Habits Fall Hard and Getting Personal With Digitally-Enabled Care
After lunch break we will visit the first of these two Health’s Tech-tonic Shift talks which resonates extremely well with our mission as a company. The day ends with another spot-on topic for our team: integrating AI, virtual assistants, consumer-generated data into their workflows. This is exactly what we do!
Day 3
7. The Giants
Depending on the level of soreness after the yoga session in the morning (and the number of wine glasses in the evening), we may or may not be present at the Full Body Workout Class at 6:30. What we will definitely be present at, though, is Keeping Up with Chronic Condition Management. It is all about data and how to use modern digital tools to provide better living conditions for chronically ill patients. We have our opinion on it but we would like to know what other great minds think as well. By “other”, we also mean a company that goes by the name of Microsoft. Just like us, maybe at a somewhat larger scale, they are enabling the next generation of patient care and collaboration through cloud capabilities that ingest, enrich and normalize data with advanced AI technologies, helping drive the best possible experiences, insights, and care.
Two extremely important events from the last day are The Next Era of Patient Care (we would like not only to see it but to bring it about) and Forecasting Telehealth’s Trajectory which is all about where do we go after the pandemic is over.
And finally, there is Amazon and their Delivering on Patient-Centricity: Applying Amazon’s Culture of Innovation to Healthcare (looks like there is nothing about going to space there but it is understandable, there are so many things to be cool about these days).
There is just one thing that puts a tiny little blemish on the entire event – it is scheduled two weeks before the start of the new Boston Opera House season. No coughing for us, then!
If you are interested to know more about Healee, go to https://www.healee.com/en
If you want to meet at HLTH 2021, contact our General Manager, English Markets, Mr. Adam Teitelman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-teitelman-a979433a/
You can follow Healee on Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/healeehq
You can follow Healee on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealeeHQ